25 year Anniversary
21 Oct – 8 Nov 2024
Now in its 25th year, the bay 93.9 Geelong Wine Show continues to bring together large and small producers from across the Geelong Wine Region showcasing the quality and diversity of their wines. This year’s show will be held at The Davidson restaurant at The Gordon.
A key emphasis on the Wine Show is to use the show as a learning and development opportunity for the region’s winegrowers. Entrants who are unsuccessful in securing a medal will be provided written feedback that could be drawn upon for future wine-making decisions.
Thank you to our valued sponsors, judges and Geelong region producers who make the Geelong Wine Show one of the standout regional wine shows in Australia.
Aims of the Wine Show
- To promote excellence in wine growing in the region.
- To provide winegrowers with a benchmarking opportunity for their wines.
- To broadly promote the wines of the region to the wine trade and wine drinking public.
- To identify the best wines of the region each year.
- To foster links between sponsors and the wine industry.
Step 1: Visit Showrunner Website
Please read the conditions of entry and regulations carefully and take care to complete the online Showrunner entry.
Where required please indicate residual sugar, (enabling wines of similar residual sugar content to be grouped together for judging). Entries that are not commercially labelled require a self-adhesive label clearly detailing the following information: winery name, wine name, vintage, variety/varieties, class entered, alcohol content.
Entries open on Monday 19 August 2024
Entries close on Friday 11 October 2024
Step 2: Print Packing Label & Deliver Wines
Please ensure you pack wines in cartons with the Geelong Wine Show label completed and securely attached.
Dispatch the wine to:
The Gordon Institute of TAFE (LOADING BAY – CNR FENWICK & LITTLE MALOP ST) 2 Fenwick St Geelong 3220
DELIVERY STRICTLY BETWEEN: Monday 14 October- Friday 18 October, 8.30am-5.00pm ONLY
ON ARRIVAL CALL: Anthony Brain 0439 024 007
Please note:
2 to 3 dozen (depending on Wine Show Awards Dinner ticket sales) of every Gold Medal winning wine will be collected prior to the Wine Show dinner. Wines which receive a Trophy will be presented at the Wine Show dinner. Wines that do not receive a Trophy will be returned the following week.
- Wine Entries open – Monday 19 August 2024
- Wine Entries close – 5.00pm on Friday 11 October 2024
- Delivery of Exhibits – Between Monday 14 October and Friday 18 October 2024
4 x 750ml or equivalent bottles required per wine entered.
Please note: All trophy winners will be required to give an additional 5 bottles.
Deliver: with the attached label – DOWNLOAD LABEL - Judging Commences – Monday 21 October 2024
- Exhibitors/Trade/Sponsors Tasting – Wednesday 23 October, 2.30pm – 4.30pm
- bay 93.9 Geelong Wine Show Awards Dinner – Friday 8 November, 6.30pm – 10.00pm @Terindah Estate (Bookings close 2 weeks prior on Friday 25 October 2024)
As well as medals awarded to wines reaching award standard, a number of trophies will be presented at the Awards Presentation Dinner.
- Trophy for bay 93.9 Best Wine in Show – Across all classes
- Trophy for the Labelhouse Most Successful Exhibitor – Exhibitor with highest aggregate score from their top 4 wines in at least 2 classes
- Trophy for OzPak Best Oak Matured Chardonnay
- Trophy for The Davidson Restaurant at The Gordon Best Other White Wine
- Trophy for Ferne Millen Photography Best Other Red
- Trophy for Geelong Cellar Door Best Pinot Noir
- Trophy for Plumm Best Shiraz
- Trophy for Provincial Media Best Sparkling
- Trophy for Novotel Geelong Best Rosé
- Trophy for Tonnellerie Marsannay Best Wine of Provenance – awarded to the best flight of three wines from the red and white wine of provenance classes
Class 1a – White or rose sparkling wine made from traditional varieties Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, or Pinot Meunier or blends thereof.
Class 1b – White, rose or red sparkling wines made from other varieties.
Class 2 – 2024/23 Rose (all varieties and styles welcome)
Class 3 – 2024/23 Pinot Gris/Grigio
Class 4 – 2024 Chardonnay
Class 5 – 2023 Chardonnay
Class 6 – 2022 or older Chardonnay
Class 7a – Any Vintage Riesling (dry and off-dry styles)
Class 7b – Any Vintage Sauvignon Blanc
Class 7c – 2024/23 other white varietals or blends (all varieties/blends bot eligible for classes 3-7)
Class 7d – 2022 or older other white varietals or blends (all varieties/blends not eligible for classes 3-7)
Class 8 – 2024/2023 Early bottled Reds any red varietals or blends (fresh bright early drinking styles)
Class 9 – 2023 Pinot Noir
Class 10 – 2022 Pinot Noir
Class 11 – 2021 or older Pinot Noir
Class 12 – 2023 Shiraz (includes Shiraz Viognier)
Class 13 – 2022 Shiraz (includes Shiraz Viognier)
Class 14 – 2021 or older Shiraz (includes Shiraz Viognier)
Class 15a – 2023/22 other red varietals or blends (all varieties/blends not eligible for classes 8-14)
Class 15b – 2021 and older other red varietals or blends (all varieties/blends not eligible for classes 8-14)
Class 16 – Any sweet table wine (all varieties and styles welcome)
Class 17 – Experimental wines. The experimental class is open to wines:
– Which are produced using innovative or unconventional (for the variety or wine style) wine making techniques, or,
– are ineligible to enter one of the existing classes, or,
– are eligible but do not conform to accepted judging expectations for the class.
Class 18a – White Wine of Provenance
– 3 Wines: a) Current Vintage, b) 3 to 7 years old, and c) 8 years or older
Class 18b – Red Wine of Provenance
– 3 Wines: a) Current Vintage, b) 3 to 7 years old, and c) 8 years or older.
- Wines are eligible to be entered if at least 85% of the fruit is from within the “Geelong Region”. The “Geelong Region” is defined for this event as the Geelong GI area plus the following two extensions: A) the area within 20km of the Geelong GI area boundary. B) The area enclosed on the western side by the line of Longitude 143°32’, on the southern side by the coast, on the northern side by the Hamilton Highway east of the line of Longitude 143°20’, and on the eastern side by the line of the 20km buffer that runs parallel to the western side of the Geelong GI boundary.
- Entry is restricted to finished bottled wines which may be unlabelled. Wines entered that are not commercially labelled require a self-adhesive label detailing the following information in a clear legible manner. Winery name, Wine name, Vintage, Variety/ies, Class entered, Alcohol content.
- Wines entered in varietal classes must be made from 85% or more of the grape variety specified.
- Wines entered in classes 1, 2, 7c, 7d, 8, 15a, 15b & 16 must nominate varietal makeup and percentage of each part thereof.
- Wines entered in classes 6, 7d, 11, 14 & 15b must be commercially available for sale from a licensed outlet but have no minimum stock requirement.
- The minimum stock requirement at time of entry except for classes 6, 7d, 11, 14 & 15b is 30 dozen 750mL bottles or equivalent volume of finished wine.
- Wines eligible for the Trophy must be commercially available for sale from a licensed outlet.
- In all classes the wine in stock as stated on the Certificate of Entry, may be inspected and checked by the Association or its nominees. Inspections will be made. In which case each Exhibitor shall supply the association with a sealed envelope containing sale(s) reducing stock below the stipulated quantities after the entry date.
- Entry fees include GST and are $60 per wine for financial members of GWA and $85 per wine for non-financial members and non-members.
- All entries must be submitted and paid online via Showrunner.
- All exhibits shall become the property of the GWA. Excess wine can be used for promotional, educational and fundraising purposes in order to advance the interests and activities of the Geelong Wine Show.
- 4 X 750mL bottles or equivalent volume are required for each entry.
- Entry forms accompanied by the appropriate fee must be received by 5.00pm on Friday 11 October 2024
- Wine entries must be delivered between Monday 14 October and Friday 18 October 2024
- Refer to ‘delivery of exhibits’ in the key dates section.
- No wine is to be entered more than once in the show.
- There must be at least 4 entries for any Class otherwise the committee may transfer those wines to another appropriate class. If this is not possible the wine and relevant entry fees will be returned to the exhibitor.
- Fees will not be refunded for withdrawn wines.
- Protests must be made within 7 days of the award’s announcement. However the judges’ decision is final and no discussion will be entered in to. Wines may be disqualified if it is shown that:
- The entry is not commercially bottled; and/or
- The quantity claimed to be produced is found to be false; and
- Does not meet all entry standards.
- Following the judging wines will be awarded a score using the 100 point system:
- 95 – 100 points: Gold Medal
- 90 – 94 points: Silver Medal
- 85 – 89 points: Bronze Medal
Written feedback to exhibitors will be provided on all entries that do not receive a Gold, Silver or Bronze Medal.
Any exhibitor may be required to provide wines (up to four dozen) for the Awards Presentation Dinner and other promotional activities at $200/case inclusive of WET & GST.
By entering each exhibitor agrees to comply with the ASVO Wine Show Recommendation for the use of wine show medal stickers.
For further clarification see http://www.asvo.com.au/australian-wine-show-advisory-group/wine-shows
2024 Judges

John Harris
Chair – Mitchell Harris Wines
(Ballarat, VIC)
Read about John...
Whilst studying immunology and microbiology at Monash University John fell in love with wine.
15 years later, having completed the Wine Science degree at Charles Sturt University, and working in wine retail as well as boutique and multi-national wine businesses here and abroad, John moved back to his home town of Ballarat in Western Victoria to team up with his wine loving in-laws the Mitchells, to create Mitchell Harris Wines.
Specialising in crafting sparkling and cool climate table wine styles from Ballarat and the neighbouring wine regions, Mitchell Harris Wines opened a unique, urban cellar door, wine bar and event space in 2013, and has quickly become a multi-award winning beacon for wine and food loving locals and visitors to the region.
John has been an active wine show judge for over 15 years, having judged at many regional and capital city wine shows.

Greer Cartland
Mutineer Winemaker
(Laurel Bank, TAS)
Read about Greer...
Greer Carland is a Tasmanian winemaker. After growing up pruning vines on the family property in Tasmania, Laurel Bank, Greer was compelled to join the industry.
She completed her Oenology degree at the Adelaide University in 2000 and after a few years of international vintages in Chile, France and North America and a short stint in Western Australia, she returned to Tasmania in 2004.
For twelve years she crafted wines under Julian Alcorso at the contract winery, Winemaking Tasmania as well as making Laurel Bank wines.
In 2016, she left Winemaking Tasmania to focus on making the family wines at Laurel Bank and starting her own label Quiet Mutiny. Looking to the future, Greer intends to secure land and establish a vineyard under Quiet Mutiny with her viticulturalist husband Paul Smart.
The Quiet Mutiny wines are made with simple and traditional winemaking practices with the ultimate goal of producing delicious wines that express place, purity and passion.

Matthew Brooke
Director of Wine, Crown Melbourne
Read about Matthew...
Hilary Fordham
Joval Wines
Nick Veanes
Winepress Wines, Geelong
The purpose of the Committees criteria for judge selection is to ensure a diverse spread of expert opinion and viewpoint in relation to the wines being judged and so bring a broader relevance to the results and any influence they might have on Geelong winemakers and their wines. The wine show committee selects and invites suitable judges on the following criteria:
- To achieve national/international standard results and avoid regional bias, highly experienced and nationally recognised judges are recruited from outside the Geelong Region.
- Where possible the panel of 3 judges will consist of:
- an experienced Chair of judges able to achieve out of a diverse judging panel the best results possible for the wines enetered
- at least one female judge
- one winemaker/technical judge
- one consumer judge, either a wine buyer or sommelier
- and one wine writer or media judge.
The Geelong Wine Show is run in accordance with the ASVO Wine Show Project recommendations 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. and all exhibitors shall comply with the Winemakers Federation of Australia (WFA) code of practice for the display of awards. Only Gold Medal wines shall be eligible for trophies.
Wines are assessed by a panel of 3 judges with the results expressed using the 100 point system. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals are awarded to wines on the following basis:
Gold Medal: 95 points and over
Silver Medal: 90 – 94 points
Bronze Medal: 85- 89 points
The Geelong Wine Show showcases wines from wineries that use Geelong grown fruit to produce wine and is organised by Wine Geelong through the Geelong Wine Show Committee. In 2023, 200 wines were entered from more than 50 wineries. Judging occurs over a 3 day period.
Wine Geelong and the Geelong Wine Show Committee is committed to support and facilitate wine industry representatives to gain experience that will benefit themselves as well as the Geelong and broader wine industry in wine show judging.
The position of Associate Judge will be awarded to an applicant from within the Wine Geelong community, whom after due consideration and based on this application is considered by the Geelong Wine Show Committee to be the most suitable person to benefit from such an opportunity.
Past Show Results
2024 Geelong Wine Show Winners
Trophy for Best Sparkling | Class 1a & 1b Oakdene 2019 Matilda Blanc de Noirs
Trophy for Best Rose | Class 2 Provenance 2024 Golden Plains Rose
Trophy for Best Pinot Noir | Class 9, 10 & 11 Oakdene 2023 Single Vineyard Peta’s Pinot Noir
Trophy for Best Other White Wine | Classes 3, 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d & 7e One Day Estate 2021 Riesling
Trophy for Best Chardonnay | Class 4, 5 & 6 Oakdene 2023 Single Vineyard Liz’s Chardonnay
Trophy for Wine of Provenance | Classes 18a & 18b Austins 2023, 2019, 2015 Chardonnay
Trophy for Best Shiraz | Class 12, 13 & 14 Mulline 2023 Modewarre Syrah
Trophy for Best Other Red Wine | Classes 8, 15a & 15b Jack Rabbit Vineyard 2023 Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon
Trophy for Most Successful Exhibitor Oakdene Wines
Trophy for Best Wine in Show Oakdene 2023 Single Vineyard Liz’s Chardonnay
View Past Results
2023 Geelong Wine Show results
2022 Geelong Wine Show results
2021 Geelong Wine Show results
2019 Geelong Wine Show results
2018 Geelong Wine Show results
2017 Geelong Wine Show results
2016 Geelong Wine Show results
2015 Geelong Wine Show results
2014 Geelong Wine Show results
2013 Geelong Wine Show results
2012 Geelong Wine Show results
2011 Geelong Wine Show results
2010 Geelong Wine Show results
2009 Geelong Wine Show results
2008 Geelong Wine Show results
2007 Geelong Wine Show results
2006 Geelong Wine Show results
2005 Geelong Wine Show results
Hall Of Fame Legends
2024 Hall of Fame Inductee
David & Lyndsay Sharp
In recognition of his contribution to putting the Geelong region on the winemaking map, it is with great pleasure that we induct David & Lyndsay Sharp into the Geelong Wine Show Hall of Fame.

Become a partner
Is your target audience 30-65 years old? Become a Geelong Wine Show sponsor, reach your audience and receive perks!
Partnership Enquiry